Obtaining Compensation For Injured Workers
At all hours, employees throughout New York State are hard at work providing much-needed goods and services. Workers are often injured in workplace accidents or suffer job-related medical conditions. Palillo Law helps injured employees with their workers’ compensation claims and other recovery avenues, such as Social Security Disability Benefits.
Do You Qualify?
Workers’ compensation is an NY State mandated insurance coverage that provides medical care benefits and wage replacement for workers who suffer an on-the-job injury or work-related illness. Nearly all New York employers must provide this coverage for their employees, and costly penalties can be incurred by employers who fail to provide coverage.
If you suffer a job-related injury or illness, workers’ compensation insurance coverage ensures that you have access to appropriate medical treatment and are eligible to receive partial wage replacement benefits if you are unable to work. While claims often arise from workplace accidents, workers’ compensation benefits also cover:
- Repetitive stress injuries from overuse or misuse
- Illnesses and medical conditions directly related to the work environment
- Death benefits for family members of an employee killed on the job
- Work-related deaths due to Covid-19 (Coronavirus) may be eligible for compensation
Know Your Other Recovery Options
In certain circumstances, you may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit and Social Security Disability in addition to a workers’ compensation claim after a workplace injury. Unlike workers’ compensation claims, a personal injury suit allows you to pursue compensation for pain and suffering, punitive damages and full lost wages. For instance, if your workplace injury was the result of a defective product or you suffered a slip-and-fall accident while working offsite. If your injury prevents you from performing any work at all, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability benefits.
Schedule A No-Cost Consultation
To learn more about workers’ compensation claims, arrange a free consultation with a lawyer. Schedule yours by email or call 212-608-8959. From our office in New York City, we serve the five boroughs, Nassau County, Suffolk County and Westchester County. Se habla español.