Helping New Yorkers for Over 35 Years

Helping You Secure Social Security Disability Benefits

For many people, physical and/or emotional disabilities can be so debilitating they are unable to perform any work at all. Often, this occurs when you are injured through the negligence of others, have a pending lawsuit for personal injuries and/or in the course of your employment. If you fall into this group of people, you may qualify for Social Security Disability benefits.

If you are eligible, the Social Security program can provide you with medical benefits and wage replacement income.

Keep in mind that even if you were in the course of your employment, you may be eligible to collect Social Security Disability Benefits.

Contact Us for Experienced Counsel

To determine whether you should apply for Social Security Disability benefits, you need an experienced law office with vast experience in the field. Palillo Law can help assess your options and then apply for these benefits.

Call us at 212-608-8959 or contact our team online to schedule a free consultation.