Helping New York City’s Injured

Helping Families Find Justice In The Wake Of Tragedy

The untimely death of a loved one is one of the most challenging losses to overcome. The absence is even more painful when caused by a preventable fatal accident. If someone’s negligent or reckless behavior caused the death of your loved one, you may be able to pursue legal action against the responsible party.

With more than three decades of experience in wrongful death claims, the compassionate attorneys at Palillo Law can guide you along the path to justice. A family-owned firm, we tailor our services to meet your needs, treating you like one of our own.

Recovering Compensation After A Wrongful Death

Wrongful death claims function much like standard personal injury claims, except the surviving family members bring the claim forward. A claim can arise after nearly any type of accident, including car crashes, slip-and-fall accidents, and construction or workplace accidents.

New York laws for wrongful death claims are somewhat restrictive and limit the type of compensation you can pursue. You can seek damages for:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Accident-related medical costs for care your loved one received before death
  • Pain and suffering your loved one endured

The laws in New York do not allow you to recover damages for the emotional pain you suffered from the loss of a loved one. However, the state does permit recovery if you were involved in the fatal accident and witnessed the death or severe injury of your loved one.

In rare cases where the negligent party’s actions were particularly intentional or reckless, a judge may award punitive damages. Punitive damages are meant to punish the liable party and deter others from engaging in similar negligent behavior.

Ready To Take Action?

It is nearly impossible to determine a dollar amount that accurately reflects the loss you and your family suffered, but fair compensation can help you begin rebuilding your life on a secure financial footing. To discuss the remedies available to you with a lawyer, schedule a no-cost consultation at our office today. Call us at 212-608-8959 or send us an email.